

URT keeps to communicate with customer, supplier, employee, stockholder, government, neighborhood company and resident in all kind of channel in the daily managed procedures. And also provide below contact information for all stakeholders:

  • Sales & Product support: Contact us
  • Stockholder / Media: Spokesperson

Report for irregular ethical conduct:

URT is committed to act ethically and not allowed any bribe, corruption.

We also declared to customer and supplier for our code of ethical conduct.

If any irregular ethical conduct has been found, please help and report to us by below contact information.

Notification for a reporting:

  • The whole reporting and invesgating procedure have been defined in our internal code of ethical conduct guideline and ethical corporate management principles, which the reported email can be only read by URT's general manager, and also committed that the reporter will not be discriminated.
  • URT can use your personal information and reported information only for defined investigation purpose, and may contact with you.
  • All information will be protected as confidential information.
  • Reporter must provide reporter's name, personal identity, contact information.
  • Reporter also need to provide related irregular detailed information, documents, name and identity of the person involved.

Customer, supplier, and other stakeholder report:

Employee report:

1. Stakeholders :

URT have identified stakeholders which based on our business, products, production and location, our stakeholders including : customer, supplier, employee, stockholders, government, neighborhood company and resident.

2. Stakeholders : Topics of concern

Consider all the stakeholders and topics that they may concern, URT have identified below topics and their impact priority.

By managed related system such like ISO14001, OHSAS18001, to drive our company's sustainable development.