Corporate Social Responsibility

URT (United Radiant Technology Corporation) have built Corporate Social Responsibility management system which followed ISO14001 for Environmental, ISO45001 (Occupation Safety and Health).

We will do our best by managing necessary system to carry out our Corporate social responsibility as we believe URT is also a corporate citizen.

Our CSR is in charge by Quality Control department, by setup management system and work with all related departments.
URT have CSR policy to point out company direction and all detail SOP, and report to the top management level periodically.

ESG corporate sustainable development policy
  • Implement corporate governance and fulfill corporate social responsibilities
  • Protect labor rights and provide employees with a safe and healthy working 
  • Contribute to the economic development and public welfare
  • Develop a sustainable environment and commit to energy resource utilization and greenhouse gas improvement
  • Support the 2030 SDGs sustainable development goals
  • Strengthen corporate sustainable development information disclosure

1. Exercise Corporate Governance
  • URT (United Radiant Technology Corporation) have built Corporate Social Responsibility management system which followed ISO14001 for Environmental, OHSAS18001 (Occupation Safety and Health).
    We will do our best by managing necessary system to carry out our Corporate social responsibility as we believe URT is also a corporate citizen.
    CSR management manual: see below table for [management item / Guidelines / Document]
  • Our CSR is in charge by Quality Control department, by setup management system and work with all related departments.
  • Established "Environmental & Occupation safety and health Manual" and "CSR Manual", which define company policy, and follow company policy, all department can make a plan and SOP for all detail items of CSR, that including energy saving, reduce carbon emissions, reduction of air pollution and waste water, manage the possible risky in advance. And take care of labor right, handle sexual harassment, personal information protection, business code of Ethics, no improper advantage, and no bribe declaration to supplier and customer.
  • To have training course for board member, supervisor and all management level. Connect those CSR with personal performance and reward system.

2. Foster Sustainable Environment
  • Waste waster recycle, monitor the result and report every month, also include lighting and energy use Reduce and recycle industry and office waste.
  • Running ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 management system, to identify all environment risky, and evaluate the impact to employee, stakeholder, and running PDCA cycle to reduce and improve (reduce) those risky.
    Our goal is to create a safety and friendly working environment
  • Professional employee to handle and manage air pollution, water waste and other waste, toxic, chemical.
  • Reduction project for energy saving, carbon emission reduction, check greenhouse gas emission.

3. Preserve Public Welfare
  • URT follows labor laws, and established an internal SOP, letting an employee know all the information.
    To confirm that all employees were treated equal, keep the labor right for all employee.
  • URT takes care of Employee safety and health by OHSAS18001 system, to provide a safe working environment for all employees that also helps business stable. We provide safety training on the first day for a new employee, and plan a series of training courses for job safety training and health management.
  • Setup CEO mailbox , which all employee can directly communicate with CEO for any issues.
    There are a lot of different communication channel for all different issue, such like labor committee, CEO conference, also bulletin board, intranet, email to let employee can fully understand company status.
  • Green design to saving energy usage of our product, that means once customer or consumer user our products, They also do some help to our mother nature.
  • Put CSR item into suppler selection program, clear declaration green purchasing policy.
  • Take care and help of disadvantage for Taichung HUNI-MING blind school.
  • Joint TON-ZHU charity for public welfare.
  • Joint TEPZ (Taichung Export Processing Zone) Socialist education volunteer and book club
4. Enhance Disclosure of CSR information
  • All informants related to CSR are disclosure on company website.
  • We have built a CSR management system.
5. Our CSR system also followed Taiwan Best Practice Principles for TWSE/GTSM
  • URT have built a CSR management system.
    We use ISO document system structure to detail define of all labor, Environment, Occupation safety, Ethics issue with SOP.
  • URT always follow all kind laws and take our employee, take advantage on all kind of social activities. such like environment issues, environment system, RoHS requirement, factory safety, labor right.
    We also take care and respect such like working time, Remuneration, sexual harassment, pregnancy protection, working place protection, Breastfeeding Room setup, Parental leave for baby.
  • URT keep working on preserving environment, energy conservation, reduce carbon emissions, participate in community activities, searching and provide for safety working environment as a member of social citizens.
    We request business integrity and no improper advantage, no bribe specially for employee, supplier and customer, take care internal and external confidential information and personal information, also respect and manage copyright and patent.
    We are pleased to have feedback to our communities and to care about disadvantage minority, encourage our employee to joint charities and rummage sale activities.

6. Other information about CSR
  • (1). Environment protection and mind protection.

    • Enhance waste water recycle for saving water resource usage.
    • Reduction of waster industry material , develop electronic document system to reduction paper usage.
    • Design and develop green material to reduce the impact to our environment.
    • To balance the production and our mother nature.
    • Encourage our employee to do personal environmental protection, start from ourselves, to clear our mind.
  • (2). Community activities:

    • Encourage our employee and lead by top management level, a lot of employee have joint local volunteer and charities.
    • TEPZ (Taichung Export Processing Zone) Socialist education volunteer and book club.
  • (3). Feedback for our Social

    • Focus on the efficiency of our product develop, reduction the resource waste and energy used.
    • Take care and help of disadvantage for Taichung HUNI-MING blind school.
  • (4). public welfare

    • Joint TON-ZHU charity for public welfare.
    • Keep running ISO14001 system, to communicated and avoid pollution with our neighbor stakeholder and environment.
  • (5). Labor right:

    • Keep good relationship with employee and always consider employee.
    • Provide health insurance, labor insurance, medical insurance and accident insurance.
    • Setup The Employee Welfare Committee.
    • Fully training and career coaching for employee.
    • Fully planed employee retirement system.
    • Award of Good Labor relationship by Ministry of Economic Affairs.
    • Certificated of Friendly working environment by Ministry of Economic Affairs.

7. Certification of Environmental, Occupation Safety and Health, Quality
  • ISO 14001 Environment management system certificated
  • ISO 45001 Occupation Safety and Health management system certificated
  • TOSHMS Taiwan Occupation safety and health management system certificated
  • ISO 9001 Quality management system certificated
  • IATF 16949 Quality management system Automotive Requirement certificated
  • ISO 14064-1 Quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals 
  • ISO 50001 Energy Management System